Published on October 13th, 2020

The second wave of Covid-19 is the reality and Katsa starts to work as during the spring

Katsa released previous Covid-19 news on June 5, 2020.

Summer months were good in terms of Covid-19 news. Number of cases in Finland dropped significantly and also Katsa started to come back to earlier normal working procedures. Remote working was already decided to be moved back to offices by August 11, 2020. Increasing sickness cases then also in Finland changed our decision and remote working was continued at least partly.

We have been following the development of the second wave of Covid-19 in Finland and at the end of last week the authorities admitted that the second wave is now also in Finland. At Katsa we are working according to the same procedures as during the spring. The morning shift comes half an hour earlier to avoid any physical contact with the evening shift as one of those practises to be mentioned.

European countries are again increasing restrictions and try to balance between needs of businesses and healthy of citizens. Business travelling seems to be very difficult, but maintenance and service people have been able to do their jobs.

There has not yet been any single Covid-19 sickness case at Katsa. Tampere region in general has been one of the safest places in Finland during Covid-19 epidemic. We thank our employees and service partners for following regularly updated Covid-19 instructions and not taking any risks to get the virus during weekends and vacations.

Earlier we reported that our orders booked in March and in April were on a very good level. May and summer months were not as planned for new orders booked and therefore there has been short working in Katsa factories since August. This was very much in line with Q2 reports of publicly listed industrial companies. Some new customers are taking the benefit of available capacity at Katsa. Orders received in September were on a higher level than in August and our sales works to continue this to a trend.

Financial news have started to inform us about mergers and acquisitions. When Covid-19 and its impacts are putting pressure on your business, remember that Katsa is financially extremely solid and able to support you in case of contract manufacturing and manufacturing outsourcing. We have done that before and some of our biggest customerships are due to such co-operations already from 80’s and 90’s.

We encourage our customers to contact us with any gear component and gearbox supply difficulties you may face globally. We are ready to help you. Consider your preparations for the beginning of 2021 and be pro-active with your actual ordering needs and possible inventory increase to be flexible to support your customers.

With matters or concerns, please contact or your regular contact person at Katsa.